VAWC Statement On Justice for George Floyd

The killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd – the latest episode in a long and disturbing history of police brutality towards people of color – is a call for racial justice and equity in the United States. 

As a co-operative, the Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives stands for the co-operative principles and values of democracy, equity, solidarity, and caring for others. We condemn the violence and repression that are harming, and taking away altogether, lives in our country. We call for justice to be served on those perpetrating these acts.

It is part of VAWC’s mission is to build a sustainable local economy. Our region is not at all immune to the oppressive acts of institutional racism and we want a co-operative path forward. We call for all members of law enforcement that exhibit or express hate and racism be removed so that we do not experience another senseless killing here or anywhere. We cannot stand for another George Floyd, Ahmed Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin or any of the horrifyingly long list of violent acts, of which we of only know a fraction.

We aim to build a just, co-operative economy that is open to all “without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.” (ICA). It will not be a quick or simple task to address these wrongs. As a co-op, we will work to address our own responsibilities and participation in oppression and institutional racism. We are committed to a just society and a democratic economy woven with the voice of co-operation and labor so that we may eat, work, house and live together with justice, equity and solidarity.

Sincerely Signed,

The Board and Staff of the Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives